Illustrated stories written by our customers: mixed wrestling, mixed boxing, CFNM, ballbusting, kickboxing, judo, karate, catfighting, armed mixed fights (swords, epees, axes, spears, daggers, handguns, e.t.c.). All models are 18 y.o. or older, no porno images here - legal adult content only.
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Mixed wrestling, catfighting, 300 pictures 1920x1080 (FullHD), no nudity, no blood.
Nineteen year old Conner Harris is a very popular young man. He is very well liked in school and has several young girls vying for him. As an eleventh grader he is on the varsity wrestling team, the varsity baseball team and is the junior prom king. He comes from a very prosperous family. Conner has a new sports car and the latest fashions. Connor also has a very closely held secret, he is a pro-wrestler. He as well as all the members of his family wrestle in the underground family wrestling league. It's were there extra money comes from. This is a very big weekend for the Harris's. On Fri Conner has a tournament for the high school league championship. Conner is a big favorite to win the title in his weight class. Then on Sat night he will be wrestling in the pro league. Saturdays is a contenders match to decide who will wrestle the champion for the title.
In the dressing room for the Regional Wrestling Tournament Conner prepares for his title match. He is quickly out of his school cloths and reaches in his gear bag, out comes his spandex jockstrap. He steps into it and pulls it up. It takes a little wiggling and some adjustment to get his growing manhood in the jock. Next comes his light blue high school singlet. It fits Conner like a second skin. It is so tight it reveals every bump and bulge on his body. The fact that he fills up his singlet so well is one of the reasons he is so popular. Finally light blue socks and matching wrestling boots. After about 10 minutes Conner is told that his weight class is next. Connor wrestles at 123 lbs. He heads toward the mats and his match. After talking with his coach Conner turns and walks to the center of the mat. As he looks up for the first time he sees the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
She too is wearing a wrestling singlet and boots. He looks around a little confused. The ref tells him that this his opponent in this weight class. Conner is stunned, first she looks to young. In fact she is only 18 yrs old, one year younger that Conner at 19 years old. She is the youngest wrestle in the tournament. She is also the only 9th grader to ever make a varsity wrestling team. She just like Conner is undefeated for the season. Katelyn Swenson is Conner Harris's opponent for the regional wrestling title. With both wrestlers on the mat the ref blows the whistle to start. Conner moves in and locks up with Katelyn. It is push and shove to gain dominance. In a stunningly quick move Katelyn hooks Conner's arm and hip tosses him to the mat. 3 seconds into the match and the undefeated Conner Harris is on his back struggling not to get pinned.
Katelyn moves into a cross-body on Conner. She hooks one of his legs with hers. Conner bridges up as high as he can. He is really struggling to keep his shoulders off the mat. All around the gym other wrestlers have stopped to watch this match. Many of the young guys have been pinned by either Conner or his opponent Katelyn. There is a strange silence in the gym. It is so quiet you can hear Conner grunting and moaning as he tries to get out from under Katelyn. As he bridges up, his singlet is stretched tight across his swelling manhood. Even though Conner is one of the young boys that wrestle wearing a jockstrap, it is not holding him in. Katelyn is piling up points on Conner. After only 1 minutes and 12 seconds of the first period she leads him 5 to 0. She has gotten a takedown and a near fall on him. Conner's efforts to escape have left him tired and gasping for breath. Sweat pours off his face as he struggles.
With an all out effort Conner is able to turn over and get off his back. Twisting, turning and wiggling he finally gets free and back to his feet. Looking up at the clock he sees that only 2 minutes and 6 seconds have expired in the first period. He still has 2 minutes and 54 seconds before he can rest. Katelyn has other ideas. She moves in on Conner takes his legs and once again gets a takedown on him. He is now behind her 7 to 0. Conner twists from side to side trying to get his legs free. The struggle with Katelyn has been very difficult for Conner. He has expended a lot of his energy trying to keep his shoulders up. With 2 minutes and 11 seconds left in the match he is quickly tiring. Unable to free his legs from Katelyn, she has scored another near-fall on him. Conner is now behind her 10 to 0.
Now with 1 minute and 36 seconds left in the first period Conner's strength is gone. He can no longer hold Katelyn off. She moves to tighten her grip in him. Moving up on his chest in the cross-body Conner can feet her breasts poking his chest. Her left arm is wrapped around his head and is squeezing him very tightly. His breath comes in gulps as he tries to fight her. Then it happens, her right arm is suddenly between his legs. Her bicep is pressing down on his jock strapped manhood. He not only has trouble breathing but is now in pain. Katelyn hooks one of Conner's legs and pulls up on it. Rocking to her left she plants his shoulders firmly on the mat. The ref quickly checks and his hand slams the mat. Conner Harris has been pinned.
For the first time in this entire season Conner has lost a match. For the first time ever in his wrestling career Conner has been pinned. Katelyn Swenson is the new Regional Wrestling Champion. Katelyn is quickly to her feet as she stands over Conner. He has his head buried in his hands and can be heard saying over and over "NO-NO-NO, I lost to a girl!! How did she beat me? I should have been stronger the her". The ref bends down to Conner, "You have to get up son. I've got to raise her hand." Slowly Conner gets to his feet. The ref takes one of his arms and one of Katelyn's arms. Using his free hand Conner covers his face so no one can see his tears. Then the ref raises Katelyn's arm in the air signifying her victor over Conner.
Conner's world is shattered. He ran off the mat and straight to the dressing room. Sitting alone in the corner Conner begins to cry. After almost 10 minutes he peels off his singlet and steps out of his jockstrap and takes a shower. All the way home Conner's parents can hear him whimpering in the back seat. His defeat has devastated him. The following morning Conner is woken by his dad early. They talk for a while then head to the gym. Tonight is wrestling night for the Harris's and Conner needs to snap out of his funk. As is happens the Harris's have a family secrete, all three of them are pro-wrestlers. They all wrestle in the private wrestling league. There is where there extra money comes from. And tonight all 3 Harris's will be wrestling.
The small private arena is packed to capacity almost 800 wrestling fans are waiting for the matches to begin. All 3 Harris's are getting ready to wrestle. Conner's father Richard Harris is in a ranking match. Richard is the 6 ranked wrestler in the league and has been challenged by the number 18 ranked wrestler. If he wins he retains his ranking, if he loses he drops to number 18 and his opponent becomes number 6. Vivian Harris is in a non-ranked match. She is a very good wrestler and has been moving up as of late. The match that everyone is waiting for is the top contender match the winner of this match gets a shot at the championship. This is the match that Conner will be wrestling. He is trying to earn a chance to wrestle for the Junior World title. None of the wrestlers know who their opponents will be until they step in the ring.
Vivian comes to the ring first. As an un-ranked wrestler she is in one of the prelims. She will be facing off with a young new comer to the league. At 34 Vivian is almost 10 years older that her opponent. However she has vast experience over the new comer. Malinda Baloubae is a gorgeous young black woman. She is new to the city and it is said that she is an attorney at a big law firm. Malinda enters the ring first. She has on a black spandex suit covered in sparkling stones. Also shear black pantyhose also covered in sparkling stones along with shiny black boots. Vivian wears the colors of the Harris family. A very tight, high cut leotard in a light green color. She has on ultra shiny Tan pantyhose and shiny white boots.
The bell rings and the slaughter begins. Malinda attacks Vivian and she never recovers. Vivian is slammed, pounded and battered all over the ring. Malinda is stronger, faster and far more skilled than Vivian. Standing at the back of the arena Conner has seen his mother take a terrific beating. On one hand he is heartbroken seeing her pounded like that, while on the other he is proud of her courage. The end comes for the battered wife and mother as Malinda shoves Vivian's head between her legs and squeezes. Grabbing Vivian around her waist Malinda lifts Vivian off the mat and onto her shoulder. Malinda has 34 yr old Vivian Harris locked into a BACK-BREAKER. The arena fills with Vivian's screams as her back is bent. It takes only seconds for her to surrender to Malinda.
"I give up-I give up!! You win, Please let me go!! I submit!!"
And that fast the match is over. Malinda dumps Vivian on the mat where she writhes in pain. Melinda's hand is raised in victory and Vivian is helped out of the ring by several staff people. In the back Conner is saddened by his mother's defeat. As he is about to return to his dressing room his father walks down the hall on his way to the ring. Conner tells his dad what just happened to his mom. "Dad, mom just got beat. That new woman made her submit. She really got beaten up." Richard nods sadly at the news of his wife's defeat. He then continues to the ring and his contenders match. As he climbs into the ring he is stunned by whom he must wrestle. Across the ring stands Vera Montain. She stands almost 6 foot 2 and is perhaps the strongest wrestler in the league, man or women. As she and Richard come to the center of the ring the difference between that is striking. She is several inches tall than Richard, she also has far more muscle mass than he does. It appears as though he is no match for her.
Returning to his corner Richard removes his light green satin ring jacket. He Quickly adjusts he wrestling thong then the bell rings. Just as his wife walked into a slaughter in her match Richard does the same in his. As he exits his corner trying to lock up with Vera, he is meet with a fore-arm smash to the side of his head. Richard staggers back against the ropes and slides down them. He winds up on the mat with his legs spread wide apart. Sitting with his head slumped back against the middle rope. For all intent and purpose Richard is out cold. The fore-arm was a knockout punch. Vera however moves in very quickly on Richard and pulls him to his feet. She drags his to her corner and slaps his several times reviving him. She has done him no favor.
Vera pounds him, she twists his legs and arms. Richard is battered around the ring. It is obvious that he is in danger of losing his ranking. As this is a contenders challenge match Richard is risking his number 6 ranking vs. Vera's number 18 ranking. If he loses to her she will become the number 6th ranked wrestler and he will fall to number 18. After only 5 minutes of wrestling Richard is finished. He can no longer defend himself against Vera. Having just been body-slammed by her, Richard is on his back in the center of the ring. He no longer has the strength to get to his feet. Vera stands over him looking down at her battered opponent. Richard's manhood has begun to stiffen and the bulge in this thong has grown larger.
Grabbing Richard's shiny white boots Vera tucks them under her arms. She lifts Richard up and turns him over. He is now face down on the mat. Slowly she bends his legs while leaning back. Vera has Richard trapped in a Boston-Crab. Richard cries out in pain as is legs and back are bent. He struggles to reach the ropes but he is held tight in the center of the ring. Vera has him and there is no way for him to escape. Looking back over her shoulder she shouts at Richard. "Give up, Dude. I've got you and you can't get away. Come on, I've got you. You're beaten and you know it. Submit before I hurt you." Richard's face is a mask of pain but he won't submit. NO-NO, Won't submit to you!! I can still win." However, Richard knows it's hopeless. The first signs of his impending defeat begin to show. His manhood has begun to swell band the bulge in his wrestling thong has grown larger. Vera has him locked in tight and will never let him go. After only several more seconds Richard has had enough, he can take no more pain. He must surrender to Vera. He cries out:
"OK-OK, you've got me I can't get free. IGIVE UP!! I GIVE UP!!! YOU WIN!!! I can't take any more. I SUBMIT!!!"
And that ends it, the match is over and Richard has lost his ranking. He falls all the way to 18th on the list. In the back Conner has left his dressing room and is making his way toward the ring. Just then his father steps between the curtains heading to his dressing. He is stooped over holding his back and is also limping slightly. Conner rushes up to his dad and asks: "Dad what's wrong? What happened to you?" As Richard looks up he is looking into his son's face. "I lost, she beat me. Got me in a BOSTON CRAB. Had no choice, she submitted me. I've lost my ranking." All Conner can do is nod as his defeated father makes his way painfully to his dressing room.
The contenders match is ready to be called. Conner slowly makes his way toward the ring. As he climbs the steps to the ring he stops suddenly on the top step. Across the ring from him stands Katelyn Swenson, the girl that just pinned him in a varsity tournament. As she sees him she smiles and waives to him. Conner instantly feels two emotions, first is fear and then sexual arousal. For several seconds he just stairs at her. Then his feelings change into one of vengeance. He wants to defeat her just like she defeated him. After a second or two Conner enters the ring. Looking across at Katelyn he is amazed by what he sees. She is totally stunning and completely gorgeous. It was hard to tell when she was wearing her varsity singlet. Now however she is dressed in pro-style wrestling gear. She has on a light blue leotard. It is a high cut thong style. Also shiny tan pantyhose and matching light blue boots. Conner is almost overcome by her beauty.
In his corner he removes his green ring jacket and begins to stretch out. Across the ring Katelyn is doing just about the same thing. The ref calls both young wrestlers to the center and gives her instructions. Conner and Katelyn return to their corners as the announcer begins:
"This is the co-main event. It is a contenders match. The winner will get a shot at the Junior world championship. In the blue corner, she is 18yrs old and is undefeated. KATELYN SWENSON!! And in the green corner he is 19yrs old and is also un-defeated. CONNER HARRIS!!"
There are whoops and screams as Conner is introduced. While the announcement was being made both wrestlers were adjusting their gear. Conner adjusted his spandex thong. Since he stepped into the ring his young manhood has swollen and his thong has grown. He now has a very impressive bulge. In her corner Katelyn has fixed her thong and pulled up her pantyhose. Both young athletes are ready to wrestle.
BONG!! the bell sends these two young athletes at each other. Conner Harris although the older and more experienced wrestler looks tentative and just a little scared. They approach each other and go to lock up. Instantly Katelyn ducks behind Conner taking his arm with her. Although shorter than her opponent she manages to get Conner in a Hammer-Lock. Pushing up on his arm with good leverage she has Conner dancing on his toes. Instantly the fans at ringside can hear Conner moaning in pain: "OOOH!! My arm!" Using her leverage on him Katelyn gets Conner moving in a circle and then uses her boot to trip him.
Conner stumbles and falls forward crashing to the mat on his face and his bulging thong. He cries out in pain as he impacts the mat. OOOOOOOO! AAAA! One of his hands cup his chin as the other goes between his legs holding his manhood. Katelyn wastes no time renewing her attack on Conner. Pulling his arms free she sits on his back and drapes them over her thighs. Grabbing him by the chin she pulls up as hard as she can locking on a CAMEL-CLUTCH. Conner screams in pain and shouts at Katelyn "MY BACK-MY BACK. You're breaking my back!!"
Hearing her 19yr old opponent cry up like that , Katelyn tells the ref ASK HIM REF. ASK HIM. Does he want to submit? The ref having also heard Conner cry out nods the Katelyn. Kneeling in front of Conner she asks him " Is that it Conner, has she beaten you? Do you want to submit? Just tell me and I'll get you out of it." Even though he is in intense pain Conner refuses to submit. "NO-NO, won't submit. Not giving up!!"
After another minute or so Katelyn lets go of Conner and gets to her feet. Conner grabs at his back as he rolls over. WAHOO!! OH yea!! Way to go big boy!! Many of the women and girls in the crowd are screaming as Conner's bulge is reveled. Even Katelyn stairs at it as Conner lies on his back at her feet. After a second or two Katelyn returns to wrestling and realizes that she needs to win this match. Even though she has totally dominated Conner from the opening bell, she still needs to pin him or get a submission from him. For his part, Conner is no longer the dominant stud wrestler. Having already been pinned by his 18yr old opponent in a high school match and being completely controlled by her in this match Conner is both scared and humiliated.
Katelyn moves in on Conner as he lies on the mat in front of her. Grabbing her 19yr old opponent's shiny white boot the 18yr old wrestler lifts it off the mat and begins to work over his leg. Even though Katelyn is one year younger that he is, Conner is cowering in fear of her. She twists his leg as she stretches it out. Back and forth she twists him forcing Conner to cry out in pain. "My leg-my leg!! You're going to break my leg!!" With his cries of pain the ref again asks him if he wants to submit. And again he answers, "NO-NO, can't let her beat me!! I won't submit!".
Dropping his right leg, Katelyn now begins to work over his left. She stands on his right boot as she twists his leg. Left and right she twists it over and over. Many of those at ringside begin to see tears forming at the corners of the young boys eyes. This has been a devastating match for Conner. He has not been able to mount any type of offence at all. His 18yr old opponent has completely dominated him from the opening bell. The fear he has of his younger female opponent is easily visible. As for Katelyn she has taken every opportunity that has presented itself to weaken the older male wrestler. It is hard to believe that at only 18yrs old she is able to completely overwhelm a 19yr old boy.
Having almost completely taken away 19yr old Conner's legs Katelyn has him immobilized on the mat in front of her. His fear is almost palpable as he tries to escape her. Using the palms of his hands he is pushing himself backwards away from his opponent. His hope to get the the ropes and several seconds of rest however are not happening. Katelyn grabs Conner's white boots and drags him to the very center of the ring. Taking his right leg she twists it into a "Step-over toe hold". Conner instantly knows what she is going to do to him. He cries out in fear. "NO-NO, don't do it. PLEASE don't do this to me!!" It is already too late, Katelyn wraps Conner's leg around hers. She drops to the mat and grabs his left leg. Pulling it out straight she traps the 19yr old boy in a "FIGURE-FOUR LEG LOCK".
Conner begins to scream in pain. He twists and wiggles trying to free his legs, all he is able to do is tighten the hold even more. In fear and desperation Conner cries out. "MY LEGS!!! MY LEGS!! You're breaking my legs!! Oh god, it hurts, IT HURTS!! She's breaking my legs!!"
Concerned for the young wrestlers health the ref kneels beside Conner:
"Are you OK son? Do you want to continue? Just tell me, have you had enough? Has she got you? Are you ready to submit?"
Conner looks up at the ref. His face is a mask of pain and he seems confused. There are clearly tears running down his cheeks. He begs the ref:
Conner lies on his back completely defenseless. The bulge in his thong has grown ever larger as he slides closer to defeat. The ref again asks him if he wants to submit to Katelyn.
"Conner, you have to tell me. Do you want to give up? Have you had enough? Do you want to surrender the match?"
In pain, battered and finally beaten Conner responds to the ref:
"YES-YES. I've had enough!! I surrender, she's beaten me!! Make her let me go!! OH PLEASE-PLEASE LET ME GO!! I GIVE UP-I GIVE UP!!"
The ref calls for the bell and the match is finally over for the beaten teenage boy. Katelyn gets to her feet and stands over Conner looking down on her defeated opponent. Conner lies face up on the mat, his hands under his back as he tries to ease the pain. The ref tells Katelyn:
"Go back to your corner and wait!"
The ref then kneels down beside the young wrestler:
"Conner, are you OK? Can you get up?"
Conner again has trouble understanding what the ref is saying to him:
"Again, she beat me again!! How could she defeat me so easily".
After almost ten minutes Conner is able to get to his feet and exit the ring. Backstage as he slowly makes his was to his dressing room. In the hall Katelyn is waiting for him. He walks up to her:
"What do you want?"
She answers:
"I just wanted to see if you are all right. I'm sorry if I hurt you."
Conner stairs at her:
"Hurt me? You're sorry if you hurt me? You made me submit. I thought you we're going to break my legs. YES, you hurt me. I've never lost before. And now you've beaten me twice".
Katelyn has a very strange look in her eye. She wraps her arms around Conner's neck and pulls him close. She kisses him hard and long. Conner is stunned by her kiss. As she walks away she tells him:
"I'm sorry you lost, but I'm glad I beat you. I hope we wrestle again soon!!"
All Conner can do is stair as she walks away in her tight blue leotard and shiny hose.