Illustrated stories written by our customers: mixed wrestling, mixed boxing, CFNM, ballbusting, kickboxing, judo, karate, catfighting, armed mixed fights (swords, epees, axes, spears, daggers, handguns, e.t.c.). All models are 18 y.o. or older, no porno images here - legal adult content only.
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Mixed boxing, 210 pictures 1920x1080 (FullHD), no nudity, some blood shown.
Two Japanese 18 y.o. teenagers, merciless mixed boxing action!
Sen-Yat-Li was a very popular girl among the students. She was clever, attractive, and good company. But there was one student who disliked her. Gary also was clever, but never quite as good as Sen. He always seemed to write the second-best essay, while hers was the best, and it rankled. She knew this, and it amused her, while his resentment turned to hatred. It also angered him that she played on the “sweet girl” image with the tutors and lecturers, whereas he knew she enjoyed partying and had a voracious sexual appetite (though showed no interest in him).
He glowered as she demurely read her latest essay out in class. The lecturer was effusive in his praise as usual, while she modestly lowered her eyes, fluttering her lashes slightly. Gary’s essay was merely said to have had “merit”. As they were filing out of the class he at last gave vent to his feelings and asked her, sarcastically, if there was anything she was bad at.
“Now let me see,” she teased. “Yes, I’m bad at hiding my amusement. I thought I was going to laugh when I saw your face as the “merit” verdict was passed on your essay.” Her friends tittered, bringing Gary to a rage.
“There is something I can beat you at!” he thundered. “In the gym, next Wednesday afternoon. You and me. Boxing. I challenge you.”
There was silence as Sen’s friends looked at her and each other. She, meanwhile considered for a few seconds.
“Very well,” she answered, quietly and steadily, “I accept.”
“I’m going to knock you all over the ring!” Gary roared.
“I’ve no doubt your boxing has merit,” she answered to her friends’ laughter. Gary swore and went to attack her there and then, but her friends held him back.
“Save it for next Wednesday,” Sen calmly advised.
“If you’re going to have a fight with a man,” Sen’s lady trainer told her, “Always try to disconcert him by looking sexy. Don’t try and out-match him in physique; put him off his guard by accentuating your feminine shape. Then fight dirty.”
Sen had a week, and she trained hard. She also bought a very fetching black, white and red leotard, which moulded itself exquisitely round her large bosom, nipped in waist, and round bottom. She felt confident. A red and white spotted bow in her hair would add the “sweet girl” effect, which she knew infuriated Gary.
She got what she wanted on both counts. As they entered the ring, Gary visibly gulped at the sight of her. She landed deliberately heavily, climbing through the ropes, because it made her breasts bounce slightly. Then, pretending that she had to check her shoe she turned away from him and bent down, waving her superb bottom a little, as she made to adjust her lace. She then turned back and smiled slyly. Yes, her actions and costume definitely had the desired effect! Then there was the bow.
“You’re not still going for that sweet girl look even now, are you?” demanded Gary.
“Of course,” Sen replied, “I am a sweet girl.”
“Sweet girls don’t get into fights.”
“They do, with wimps who feel they have to prove themselves.”
“Right that’s it, I’m going to teach you such a lesson!”
They began circling each other, Gary snarling and cursing, Sen smiling mockingly. She appeared to throw the first punch, but switched her move to a sharp kick to the back of Gary’s left knee.
“Ah!” he grimaced in pain, “I might have known you’d be a dirty fighter.”
“What are you going to do? Squeal that it isn’t fair?”
He lunged at her with his right, but she easily blocked it, jutting those ample breasts out in the process. The leotard material seemed to strain to hold them in. Then she replied with a left uppercut into his chest. Gary had thought that her kick proved her inability to punch to any effect, and he was abruptly proved wrong. There was nothing wrong with her punch at all. It hurt. Sen’s feminine appearance belied her fighting ability, and he almost panicked at the realisation of how formidable his opponent had turned out to be.
Despite himself, Gary found he was doubling forward with her blow. One or two cheers arose from the crowd to compound his sense of disadvantage. He must do something to take the initiative before this became a crisis … Ooopphh! For the second time Gary gulped as Sen’s left fist struck his groin. He felt sick. There was laughter from the girls in the crowd, and a few complaints from a handful of boys.
But now, still with the left, she hit him in the kidneys. She could see the pain etched on his face. She followed up with her right into his stomach, then into his ribcage. She pounded his body with almost no opposition. It was forensic destruction.
Having softened him up, she now attacked his face. A straight left propelled his head back and awarded her with a look of agony on his face. “The sweet girl punched him in the mouth and made it bleed,” she jeered, while steadying herself for her next blow, a massive left uppercut. It was a glorious punch, which earned a full-throated cheer from the crowd.
After a swipe against Gary’s defending arm, Sen punched him full on in the face again with her right, scoring a second cut. It was another triumphant punch, and her forward lunge treated the lucky males behind her to a ravishing view of her round, womanly bottom.
Gary had backed himself into a corner now, as Sen kept up the barrage with a right hook. That young woman’s lethal punches cut his face a third time.
Did she underestimate Gary, as he had done her? Probably, because she spent a little too long in the stroke, for the benefit of the girls taking pictures in the crowd, and Gary scored his first hit, a nasty blow with his left into her kidneys. Alarm spread among Sen’s friends in the crowd as he was able to follow up with an uppercut into her stomach. It was such a potent response that it forced Sen down to the mat.
“The sweet girl landed on her arse,” Gary murmured, gloatingly.
He raised his arms in triumph, and a few boys in the crowd applauded. Sen had badly miscalculated, and he wallowed in it, strutting around the ring, arms aloft, trying to encourage the thin support that he had with the crowd, while the recovering Sen waited and bided her time. She discerned her opportunity. Gary was parading around with no thought of her. His preferred stance was a triumphant one in the corner where he had brought her down. If she could just slip underneath his spread legs …
“The sweet girl kicked him in the balls,” she sniggered, as Gary stood frozen with shock and pain. Then it was his turn to sink to his knees while Sen stood up, smiling at her handiwork.
The match degenerated into an all-out brawl. Gary recovered swiftly, lashing out with a kick. It struck home, and he pressed home his advantage by lifting Sen above his head and hurling her to the floor. Her friends had to look away. The boys who had cheered were silent now. All right, the male was winning, which was what they wanted; but it was upsetting to see a girl being treated like that. Indeed, one or two who had cheered Gary earlier were now booing.
But Sen wasn’t giving up just yet. She got up, and was the picture of seriousness. Gone was the mocking smile. She knew she must work to win now. There was still plenty of fight left in her. They both concentrated on the competition. Gary struck first, and caught Sen on the chin, following with a right hook. But to general relief, Sen was able to reply with her right. There was now a confusion of arms and gloves as each struggled to gain an advantage. But then Sen decided the issue with a splendid left uppercut, scoring yet another cut on her opponent’s face.
Gary was forced onto the defensive, but to no avail. Sen’s subsequent back kick landed in his still- aching groin. Gary’s response kick to her face failed to connect, leaving both his groin and his face vulnerable to her knee and fist respectively. His face was now badly bloodied, and his groin felt as if was burning. He sank downwards into the corner with the aid of Sen’s shoe, once more at his groin. Although he tried to hold himself up by the ropes, Sen decided the issue with a karate kick to the head, and, just to make sure, a knee to the face. Gary collapsed.
Sen now raised her arms in triumph, but this time there was no mistake - Gary lay still as she placed her foot on his groin to demonstrate her victory. Sen concluded the match to hersef:
“The sweet girl beat him up and knocked him out.”