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Custom match by G. again! The all American boy faces a challenge.
Tonight is the night that thousands of wrestling fans across the country have been waiting for. It’s The biggest match of the century. Cody Carter “The All American Boy” and the World wrestling Champion will defend his title against “The Russian Destroyer” Alyona Brezhnev. In his dressing room Cody is speaking with his assistant/valet “Destroyer that’s what she calls Herself. The Russian Destroyer, am I supposed to be afraid of her? Me, afraid of her? It’s her that should be afraid. She should fear me, I’m “The All American Boy”. The beautiful young blond nods. “You’re right Cody. You’re the Champion. You are the best wrestler in the world. She should fear you. Now let’s get ready to wrestle.” Cody removes his street cloths and opens his gear bag. First a tight spandex jockstrap, then deep tan pantyhose. Next comes his high cut wrestling trunks. They fit very tight, exposing his upper-legs and butt. Taking a seat Cody pulls on his wrestling boots and laces them up. Cody’s outfit is custom made to make him look his best. His tight trunks are shiny white and they sparkle in the ring lights The pantyhose he wears accent his legs perfectly. And his boots glisten in the ring. To say Cody is the total package is a vast under-statement. He’s way more than that. Movie star handsome, athletic, with a world class body. Blond hair and blue eyes and did I mention that he is totally handsome? He is also a great guy with a very loyal fan base. He is one of the most loved People in wrestling. Across the hall the same cannot be said for Cody’s opponent. Alyona Brezhnev is the definition of mean. She is more that mean, she is pure evil. She has put several wrestlers in the hospital and has ended the careers of several others. If the truth was known Cody did not want to wrestle her. Slipping out of her cloths Alyona pulls on a pair of shiny black pantyhose. She wiggles into a dark Red leotard. Her leotard is very high cut, so much that you can often see the top of her pantyhose in the leg cut. She dons red boots and a red ring jacket. It is her hope that when she returns to her dressing room she will be wearing the world title belt. At last it is time for their match. Cody straps on the world title belt and buckles it tight. He slips into his shiny ring jacket. He and his beautiful valet say good bye as he exits the room. As he makes his way to his entrance point many of the other wrestlers wish him well. All of them hope Codydestroys the Russian girl. In the ring both wrestlers stand in their corners. The ref/announcer begins: “Wrestling fans and for the Thousands watching on Pay per view. This is the main event. It is a one fall, pin or submission match. And it is for “THE WORLD WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP!! In this corner She fails from Volgograd, Russia And is the challenger She is known as “The Russian Destroyer” Alyona Brezhneva And in the opposite corner He is the undisputed and undefeated World Wrestling Champion “The All American Boy" Cody Carter!! As Cody’s name is called a huge cheer comes from the crowd in the arena. Both wrestlers are back in their corners after the instructions. Cody seems strangely nervous.Both he and Alyona pull up and smooth their pantyhose. Cody adjusts his thong and Alyona tugs at her leotards. BONG!!! The bell starts the match and sends both wrestlers out of their corners. Cody moves to circle, but is cut off as Alyona locks him up COLLAR & ELBOW. Almost instantly Cody feels the Russian’s power as she forces him back against ropes bending him backward over the top rope. Before the ref can call for the break Alyona drives her knee into Cody’s mid-section then backs up. Cody comes off the ropes holding his stomach. Before Cody can get set Alyona is on him twisting his arm up behind his back in a HAMMER-LOCK. Cody has never felt a hammer-lock like this one. His arm is bent very high behind his back. Alyona Seems to have massive strength. In just seconds Cody is moaning very softly, OOOOOH!, AAAAAH. Alyona whispers in Cody’s ear: hurts doesn’t it? I’ve got lots more for you!” Cody struggles but can’t break the hold. He also is being held so tightly that he can’t move or get to the ropes. Alyona quickly changes holds twisting Cody’s arm up and into an OVER-HAND WRIST LOCK. Cody grabs at Alyona’s hands trying to pull his arm free. It is no use however, Alyona is just too strong. Moving quickly out of the WRIST-LOCK Alyona twists Cody’s arm into an ARM-RINGER. The champion’s knees begin to buckle and he heads for the mat. Alyona has other ideas. She keeps Cody on his feet and whips him into the corner turnbuckle. The force of the whip is beyond anything Cody has ever felt. He is stunned and for just a second ortwo his eyes flutter and he slips in and out of consciousness. He staggers out of the corner and right into Alyona’s grasp. Jamming her arm between Cody’s legs and hooking his head she lifts the champion off his feet and slams him to the mat. Cody cries out in pain and arches his back up “OOOOOH, OOOOOH my back!!”. Alyona is swiftly on Cody. Grabbing his chin and folding his boots over one another Alyona puts the champion in a BOW & ARROW back bend. Pulling as hard as she can “THE AII AMERICAN BOY” is bent almost to the breaking point. Cody struggles but can’t get free. After several seconds he again cries out. “AAAAAH, AAAAH,IT HURTS, OMG IT HURTS!!”A very satisfied smile comes to Alyona’s face: WHAT’S THE MATTER CHAMP? IS THE ALL AMERICAN BOY IN PAIN? DOES HE WANT TO GIVE UP?” Cody gathers as much will power as he can before answering her. “NO – NO, I WON’T GIVE UP. I’LL NEVER SUBMIT TO YOU!!” However Alyona has a different idea. Continue to struggle in the BOW & ARROW hold Cody feels his manhood getting hard. The more he struggles the harder it gets. Soon Alyona notices it too. “HA!! I CAN SEE BETWEEN YOUR LEGS, THAT YOUR SHAFT THINKS YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE ALSO. WHAT DO YOU MEN CALL IT. AH,YES ADEFEAT BONER. THE ALL AMERICAN BOY HAS A DEFEAT BONER!!” The pain in his back is excruciating. The growing stiffness between his legs is embarrassing. Codyonly thought is to get free and get away, he can no longer concentrate on the match or his opponent. And then the pain stops, Alyona has released Cody from the BOW & ARROW. Not thinking about defending his title or winning the match, Cody gets on all fours and tries to crawl away from Alyona and get out of the ring. Alyona shouts at him, “Where are you going Mr. Champion? You can’t run away.”But Cody is terrified of Alyona. HE is also terrified of losing his title. His only thought is escape, “GET A WAY, I HAVE TO GET AWAY. I CAN’T LET HER BEAT ME. I’M THE CHAMPION!!” Just as he reaches the other side of the ring only inches from the ropes Alyona catches him. Lifting him to his feet she drags the terrified wrestler back to the middle of the ring. All the way Cody screams “NO – NO, I’VE GOT TO ESCAPE!! I’VE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE. Standing face to face Alyona reaches between Cody’s legs takes his head and lifts him off the mat. Holding him for a second or two Alyona then slams the champion down to the mat. It is a very sad sight for his fans. This powerful male wrestler, the world champion and All American Boy stretched out on the mat. Cody’s legs are spread apart, his dark tan pantyhose shinnying in the ring lights. His Sparkling white trunks stretched tightly by his rock hard manhood. A look of fear on his face and tears streaming down his cheeks.Standing over Cody Alyona looks down on him. “I FINISH YOU OFF NOW AMERICAN CHAMPION. I DEFEAT YOU AND TAKE YOUR TITLE. NOW YOU ARE MINE!!!”. All Cody can do is scream, NO-NOPLEASE DON’T HURT ME!! PIN ME, PLEASE JUST PIN ME. YOU CAN HAVE THE TITLE!!” Alyona lifts Cody’s shiny white boots off the mat and tucks his nylon covered calves under herarms. She rolls him onto to his face and begins to bend his back. Alyona has the world championtrapped in a BOSTON-CRAB. The end has come for the world champion and All American Boy. Cody Carter has met a better, stronger and meaner wrestler. And she is about to take his title. It takes only three seconds for Cody to scream his surrender. “MY BACK, SHE’S BREAKING MY BACK.NOOO-NOOO IT HURTS TOO MUCH!! I SUBMIT – I SUBMIT!! SHE’S GOT ME, I CAN’T GET FREEHELP ME REF PLEASE HELP ME GET HER OFF ME I GIVE UP!!" The ref moves in quickly, LET HIM GO ALYONA, LET HIM GO. YOU’VE BEATEN HIM, LET HIM GO!! Alyona acts like she does not hear the ref or she does not speak English. Cody continues to scream “LET ME GO!! PLEASE ALYONA, LET ME GO!! YOU WIN!! YOU’VE DEFEATED ME!! OH PLEASE!! I GIVE UP, I GIVE UP!" Alyona finally drops Cody’s legs and releases the hold. She rolls Cody over onto his back and looks down on him. “I’ve beaten you and taken your title. I’m the champion now!!” “The all American Boy” lies beaten and battered on the mat. Alyona struts over to Cody’s corner And takes the world title belt and straps it around her waist. With her arms raised in the air she struts around the ring. Cody lies un-moving on the mat, his legs spread apart. His manhood stiff and swollen. The announcer/ref begins: "The winner of this match with a BOSTON-CRAB submission. And now the new World Wrestling Champion She is “The Russian Destroyer” ALYONA BREZHNEVA!" With the title belt around her middle Alyona raises her arms in victory. In the empty ring Cody struggles to his feet. He slowly makes his way to his dressing room. HisValet is waiting for him. She looks at him and gasps. Cody, what happened? Where is your titlebelt? A sad and tearful Cody must tell her. “I lost it”. She is stunned by this: “Lost it, what do youmean you lost it, Where is it?” He now must explain: “I lost it, in the ring I lost it. She defeated me, I’ve lost the title. She’s the champion now. I was beaten.”. Slowly Cody begins to remove his wrestling gear. He slides off his trunks, standing now in just hisPantyhose and boots. His assistantun-ties his boots and pulls them off. Finally Cody slides down his pantyhose and heads to the shower. “I was beaten, oh god I was beaten. She took the title from me. I’ve lost my title!!”