Illustrated stories written by our customers: mixed wrestling, mixed boxing, CFNM, ballbusting, kickboxing, judo, karate, catfighting, armed mixed fights (swords, epees, axes, spears, daggers, handguns, e.t.c.). All models are 18 y.o. or older, no porno images here - legal adult content only.
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Mixed wrestling, 140 pictures 1920x1080 (FullHD), no nudity, no blood.
Looks like Lara is too smart and skilled for this big guy. She holds him in many submissive holds that he has not even dreamed about. Looks like she is able to completely dominate him and he will just have to accept that she is a superior fighter than he!
Chuck says: "I trained with my 18 y.o. sister a few times with judo and we had a kind of grappling match once, after fitness. With judo she is clearly much better, I'm satisfied if I stay on my feet for more than 10 seconds. With the ground fight it's even more difficult because I can't move around her that easily, and she's much quicker, flexible and aggressive than I am. Most of the times, she finishes me with a hon kesa gatame (headlock), sankaku or an armbar. Once we did a little grappling and to my surprise she was completely all over me, I expected to give more competition because of my strength, but in stead she had no trouble going through my defense and lock me in all kinds of grips. I remember 2 sankaku's and also a few pins and headlocks. It felt bad I can tell you, I always thought I could wrestle quite well. To be honest, I was completely dominated. Once my sister Lara had me in a schoolgirl pin. Seeing how I couldn't dislodge her, she pointed to a spot on crotch of her leotard, and said "kiss me here". In defiance, I struggled some more, but to no avail. She held me down until I stopped moving, then she pointed again and said "kiss me here!" in a no-debate tone. I gave her a long kiss on that spot. When I looked up at her, subdued, she said "Good boy". Her soft, feminine, teasing voice reminded me that my conqueror is FEMININE, I felt humiliated. "You just got owned by a girl." Her voice, high and sugary and girly, cut like a dagger she touched to his balls. "Can't you get me off you? All I'm doing is sitting on your chest. What good are those big muscles of yours for if you can't beat a girl half your size?" A soft,casual voice or a playful, girly voice is best when it comes to taunting: "How does it feel getting your ass kicked by a girl? I've got you. You're done, and you're not going anywhere." When my younger 18 y.o. sister would pin me down in a high and tight SGP, her hands on her knees and just stare down at me saying, in a low, taunting voice "who's beating up who?...look at me....don't look away...who's stronger who? I thought wrestling with you would be a good workout! If I knew you'd be such a total wimp I'd have hit the gym instead! Your testicles failed you. You're about the biggest wimp I've ever met!"
Lara says: "My older brother Chuck was wrestling with me and pinned me against the corner of ring and was being a conceded jerk saying what are you gonna do now wimpy girl so I kneed him in the balls and down he went I felt very powerful because i was like wrestling him and now he was on the floor moaning at my mercy. What I found most interesting though is I didn't even think of this move it was a natural reaction and I've noticed girls always seem to automatically go for a guys balls like its programmed into us or something."