Illustrated stories written by our customers: mixed wrestling, mixed boxing, CFNM, ballbusting, kickboxing, judo, karate, catfighting, armed mixed fights (swords, epees, axes, spears, daggers, handguns, e.t.c.). All models are 18 y.o. or older, no porno images here - legal adult content only.
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Mixed wrestling, 240 pictures 1920x1080 (Full HD), no nudity, no blood.
What you are looking at is the end of a great career. That's me lying on my back about a foot from my corner. to say that I'm out of it is a huge understatement. I am completely knocked out. My upper body is covered with bright red welts. There is also the beginning of some extensive bruising. I haven't moved in about 5 or 6 minutes.