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Mixed and F/F boxing, 310 pictures 1920x1080 (Full HD), partially CFNM, no blood.
Todd seemed to be trying to anger every woman he knew to provoke her into a challenge. In the last few weeks and months, we have seen a dismal catalogue of martial disasters for him, whether they have been against his boss, his ex-girlfriend, his wife, or her old friend. He seemed to be convinced that, sooner or later, he would find a woman that he could beat.
His most recent antagonist was Lanuola, a woman he knew from his gym. Quite how he upset her is a mystery; all we know is that it resulted in a challenge, and Todd was jubilant at the thought of a win against a woman at last. It never seemed to occur to him that he might lose.
It certainly occurred to his wife, Kimiko, when he told her about it, though. She knew Lanuola, and didn’t like her. This marked a change from Todd’s previous fights, where she liked all his opponents, and enjoyed watching them beat him up. But Lanuola and she had been college rivals, both excelling in sports and academic subjects. For Lanuola, the dislike was mutual, and when she learnt it was Kimiko’s husband she would be fighting, she looked forward to the fight even more.
It was agreed that it would be a boxing match, and Kimiko volunteered to stand in Todd’s corner. She didn’t exactly do much for his self-confidence when she told him she would throw in the towel when he got into difficulties.
“It could be Lanuola who gets into difficulties,” he replied sulkily, while they were in his locker room.
“Oh, yes of course, I never thought of that,” she responded unconvincingly.
But even Kimiko had to admit (if only to herself) that Lanuola looked stunning when she stood in the ring. She wore a shiny, shimmering, dark brown leotard, with matching gloves. She had the classical female figure – full breasts and generous curves – that men adore. Her leotard plunged at the front, and Kimiko noted that the fine amount of cleavage it betrayed would be bound to distract Todd as well. The rear view was just as exciting, with scant material covering it, too.
Todd’s boring, muddy-coloured shorts and gloves provided a symbolic contrast, Kimiko thought gloomily. He looked about as suited to a boxing ring as custard on roast beef. He and Lanuola touched gloves, then circled.
“Here we go,” thought Kimiko, as Lanuola landed a firm left jab on his nose. She looked good, Kimiko had to admit, this woman with the figure of a mythological goddess, punching her husband on the nose. Then she got him on the jaw, the shiny black leather of the woman’s glove flashing into the astonished man’s face.
When Todd swung a left hook, Lanuola performed a sort of backward loop of the body so that it swished round in front of her, and responded with a strong left fist into his chest. The body blow knocked the wind out of him temporarily, and whether the ensuring clinch was a defensive tactic on his part, or an offensive one of hers (because he ended up on the ropes), is anyone’s guess.
A left hook from her spun Todd’s head round, so that he was looking outside the ring – and no doubt wishing he was there. She gave him just time enough to turn back to face her, before banging her other fist into his stomach. This had him in trouble, coming so soon after the one to his chest, and his body seemed to crumple around it. Body blows might not be as dazzling, even glamorous, as face punches, but their effect can be more telling. Face punches might provide sensational knockouts, but body blows do much of the work beforehand. Lanuola obviously understood this, as she ground him down.
“Todd, you aren’t man enough to fight me,” she told him, smashing a left hook into his jaw. Still on the ropes, he looked as if he would climb out of them, so Lanuola stepped back a couple of paces to the middle of the ring, and spread her arms out to him in a jokey “welcome” gesture. Todd accepted – and got another one on the jaw. In contrast to the start of the match, Lanuola laughed as her punch landed plumb where she intended.
An uppercut from her put him on his back. Standing with her feet either side of him, hands on her hips, she looked invincible! While Todd, nursing his face, looked pathetic, lying on his back beneath her. Then she started to count. All Todd’s opponents seem to insist on adding a commentary to their counting, and Lanuola was no different, at three telling him that he was a “pussy”. But at least she retired to a corner afterwards, and allowed him to get up, just making do with, “I’m beating you to a pulp, Todd.”
She marched back confidently to the middle before Todd had completely got to his feet. She allowed herself some mockery as they circled, before planting a left cross on his chin. Todd’s head recoiled, and Kimiko braced herself for more humiliation of her husband by this woman (though usually she enjoyed, and encouraged it).
Lanuola swapped crosses, as it were, and her right fist landing on his chin had him in trouble. Her punch jarred his whole body. Waves of aftershock broke from his chin through his whole body, and the troubled look on his face told her what she wanted to know.
Thankfully for Todd, they got into a clinch immediately afterwards, and he hoped to be able to play for a bit of time. But it put him back on the ropes, and a left hook landing on his jaw put paid to any time-wasting that he had in mind. Kimiko looked miserably on, as Lanuola’s fist once more thudded into his jaw, and he let out a cry of pain.
Then she got him low in the kidney. His whole body seemed to be sandwiched between her fists and the ropes. She would hit him into them, they’d send him back, then she’d hit him again. The tide of pain had turned too – instead of it radiating from his chin, it now throbbed outwards from his kidney. Seeming to sense this, Lanuola opted to change the tide again, and hammered him into a corner with a fine left uppercut. Smiling broadly, she smashed her fist up and under his chin, seeming to glue him into the corner.
Then she surprised him by retreating into the middle, and spreading her arms out, as if to say, “Come and get me!” Todd, rubbing his chin, took a few short, faltering, uncertain steps towards her.
“Just finish the fight, bitch,” Kimiko called out to her, realising that behind her mockery of her husband, she was taunting her.
“Not yet, bitch,” lanuola replied, before landing a firm left jab once again on his chin.
Todd’s head jerked back, and on its return, she swung an extravagant, full left hook into his jaw. There was as much showmanship to this punch (probably for Kimiko’s benefit) as there was technical boxing skill. As Todd leaped back in disarray, she kept her fist outstretched, as if there were hundreds of cameras positioned to capture the pose, whereas it was only her old rival, Kimiko. But that fact was the sweetest of all for her.
The dominant woman laughed as Todd fired a useless left cross into the air beside her face, since she had jerked her head out of the way. Her magnificent curves (which Kimiko secretly admired) seemed made to swerve her supple body in controlled evasion.
But it wasn’t long before she was back into the attack, and Todd yet again recoiled as her left fist banged into his face. He was back in a corner, and she viciously got him in the other kidney. The smile had gone from her face now, as she sensed victory. She had Kimiko’s husband where she wanted him, and she meant to dispatch him convincingly.
The look on her face was now downright nasty as she shot a right uppercut into his chin. The jovial mask had slipped, and the merciless look on her face was reflected in the brutality of her punch, which had his head over the corner post.
After that, Todd really did look as if he had had enough. He remained uncertainly at the ropes, seemingly debating with himself whether to leave the ring. Lanuola once more stepped back a few paces into the centre of the ring, and beckoned to him. Todd, torn between the attraction of safety and the blow to his pride of leaving the ring, chose to join her – and got a crack on the jaw for making the wrong choice. It was enough for Kimiko, and she threw in the towel on his behalf.
“This fight is ending with a KO, stay out of this, bitch,” Lanuola snarled, left hooking Todd. Gone was the flourish from this left hook. It had only one purpose, and that was to pave the way to victory.
The pace quickened now, and Lanuola dazed Todd with a right cross, yet again to his chin. It was a classic pugilist’s punch – dead straight, and powerful, and she had obviously lost none of the energy that she started the match with. If anything, she seemed to gain strength as the fight went on, encouraged by the momentum of it.
Lanuola landed a low left hook. It slapped Todd’s mouth and his head spun round from its force. She waited for him to turn back, before delivering the knockout punch. It was a furious right uppercut, and the hapless male fell back from it to land on his back, thankfully oblivious at last.
Then came the ritual of counting out and commentary, but at last Lanuola reached “Ten, and I win by KO,” before indulging in various victory poses.
When Todd began to stir, she demanded, “Get naked now!” Then she made him get on all fours and, kneeling behind him, informed him she was going to make him her bitch.
Had she been trying to provoke Kimiko? Who knows? But it was too much for her, and she leapt into the ring, gloves on, and declaring, “It’s on now, bitch!”
The two women left Todd to his corner and moved to the other end of the ring. Lanuola was only too glad to have the chance to fight Kimiko – in fact it looked as if she had been deliberately provoking her by heaping unnecessary humiliation upon her husband. She smiled hugely at the prospect of a fight with her long-term rival, while Kimiko glared at her for her insult to both her and Todd.
Lanuola struck first, a good left uppercut. Kimiko got in a reply, just as good, and a left cross to the nose. This was how it had always been between the two: one would do well, but the other had always been able to answer it. Lanuola landed a beefy right cross, which had Kimiko recoiling; but she swivelled back and responded with a right to Lanuola’s stomach.
Though neither of them would admit it, they both respected each other’s abilities, and their mutual wariness betrayed it. After a substantial left jab from Lanuola, they both circled, keeping a respectful distance, Lanuola no longer smiling, and Kimiko’s gaze fixed in concentration.
Kimiko got in the first really clever move. She humbugged Lanuola with a fake (but good) right hook; Lanuola “avoided” it, and Kimiko fired her left into Lanuola’s stomach. She then opted for a clinch, hoping to force the other woman onto the ropes. Instead, the opposite happened, and it was Kimiko who ended up with the ropes against her back. Lanuola pressed home her advantage and got in three quick punches: a right to the jaw, a (questionably legal) left that got Kimiko on the breast, and a right uppercut. Kimiko responded with her left into Lanuola’s breasts.
In his corner, Todd winced at the bitterness of the two women. Nothing that he had experienced against women came close to this. True, they had beaten and humiliated him, but there had never been such intense loathing as there was between these two historic foes. He looked away as his wife suffered a blow to her jaw. He looked back, and saw her get another one on the opposite jaw, which brought her to her knees. An easy left hook for Lanuola put her on her back.
Then came the counting out with commentary. However by 8, Kimiko had got up, seemingly ready to resume. But it didn’t go well for her, and Lanuola’s assault continued with a firm left hook and a solid right cross. She worked the smaller woman onto the ropes with a clinch again, and fired a left hook, her confidence at its peak.
Then came an unexpected counterattack. Just in time, and at the right moment, Kimiko got her opponent with a forceful left uppercut. It was the shock of this unexpected rally by Kimiko, as much as the strength of the blow, which stunned Lanuola, and Kimiko exploited the other’s surprise by landing a right cross on her jaw.
Kimiko had summoned her last reserves of strength in her desperation, and it paid off. A left hook sent the other woman down to the mat, unconscious. Kimiko performed a victory dance, before the counting out began. At 9, she announced (not entirely truthfully, given Todd’s previous bouts against her friends) “I’ll always protect my idiot hubby”. But 10 was, of course, the sweetest moment of all.
Coming to, Lanuola claimed that she had been beaten by a “lucky punch”; but Kimiko very sensibly pointed out that, lucky or not, she was the one doing the victory pose over Lanuola. Then, seemingly for the first time, she was aware of her husband, and informed him that she would “fix” his defeat boner. (How husbands the world over adore it when their wives make such an announcement!)
Todd, knowing the treat in store, lay on his back, and his wife lowered herself onto him, facing down his body. Simultaneously sitting on his face and taking his cock into her gloved hand, she told him she hoped he had learned his lesson, namely to “stop pissing off superior females”, and it wasn’t long before he exploded. Kimiko briefly schoolgirl pinned him, just for the hell of it, before sitting on his face to enjoy her victory orgasm.
To the victor, the spoils, and Kimiko told her husband they were going home, because she wanted to practice some scissor holds.