Illustrated stories written by our customers: mixed wrestling, mixed boxing, CFNM, ballbusting, kickboxing, judo, karate, catfighting, armed mixed fights (swords, epees, axes, spears, daggers, handguns, e.t.c.). All models are 18 y.o. or older, no porno images here - legal adult content only.
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Mixed boxing, 45 pictures 1280*1024 32 bit colour, completely CFNM, bloody action.
Regina wearing her semi-transparent leotard. This is too hard for Peter, he turned on and his resistance is too weak for this girl! Erotic Mixed boxing is for you, who enjoy mixed boxing, but want to add some spice to it. There are usually two participants, a leotard clad female and a nude male, and wins the female. They fight for the right of control in sex, so the fight itself is a foreplay. The winner takes control sexually as well, she makes the guy do what she wants. This usually means hand job, pussy licking or clit sucking.
It's humiliating enough for a naked man to lose a wrestling match to a clothed woman. CFNM battles in which the clothed female takes advantage of her naked male opponent's most vulnerable target. Ouch! Most women I know have had an amused reaction to the idea of kicking men in the balls. If you guys out there challenge a clothed woman to a match and you offer to negate much of your weight and strength advantage by agreeing to wrestle nude, it is a very good idea. In most of these shots the woman cannot pass up a chance to give a parting shot to the man's exposed groin. It's a most fitting period and make that exclamation point v to a one-sided fight!
Regina says: "CFNM represents the sexual tension of the unattainability of the woman being clothed and the utter vulnerability of the male. Nothing amuses me more than seeing my naked male opponent try to scramble internally to find shelter to hide from me. Finally all that resistance fades when he comes to the stark realization that there is nowhere to hide and nothing to hold on to. There is only surrender in his nakedness and submission to me!"
Peter says: "Ask your wife or girlfriend to wrestle or box, or even playfully ballbust - you in a one-sided CFNM match and many will at least try it for kicks. If you approach a girl and offer her to wear a leotard and wrestle with you and tell her you'll be naked and she will win you and dominate you, most women are more than willing to take that offer. So I was sure she'd love the idea of CFNM boxing in the ring, but the difference would be it would be for real, and she would definitely want to go for my balls punching, kicking and squeezing them way beyond what most men could take - and then taking great delight laughing in her victory looking down at me as I laid there naked moaning and holding my balls. She was a cruel as any dominatrix, crushing his balls with her knee, and when I asked her to stop, she just ground her knee in deeper. Her face was close to his as she did it as she enjoyed watching my agony."