Illustrated stories written by our customers: mixed wrestling, mixed boxing, CFNM, ballbusting, kickboxing, judo, karate, catfighting, armed mixed fights (swords, epees, axes, spears, daggers, handguns, e.t.c.). All models are 18 y.o. or older, no porno images here - legal adult content only.
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Ballbusting, 200 pictures 1920x1080 (Full HD), ompletely CFNM, no blood.
It was Ian’s turn to get the coffee in the small department where he worked. There were only three of them in it, plus the department head, who was on holiday that week. Naturally, they were a bit more relaxed without her.
“Coffee, Susanna?” he held the young woman’s cup.
“Thank you, Ian.”
“Coffee, Leanne?”
“Thank you. Hey, Soos, are you going to the gym tonight?”
“Yeah! I’m dying to try out this new leotard I’ve bought. “I got it in the town, on the way here. Here, I’ll show it to you.”
“Oh, wow! So how many boys do you intend to make fall off their exercise bikes with that?”
“Or run into their treadmills.”
“I’d love a leotard like that!”
“I’ll show you where I got it when we go out to lunch.”
Ian shook his head at them, and got on with his work. He had a lot to do (unlike them, it seemed), and it surprised him when 12.30 came, which signalled the lunch break. While the girls went off to the shops, and somewhere to eat in the town, he thought he’d make do with the staff canteen. He stood up to go, and noticed Susanna had left her leotard out. There was no one around, so he had a look at it.
“Phwaaar!” he muttered, when he saw it. It was Navy blue, with “Girl Power” written just above the left hip. But what was so striking about it was the big heart-shaped space at the front, with the “V” of the heart plunging low over the cleavage. He couldn’t help imagining how Susanna would look in it. She was a tall, commanding beauty, that one. His eyes popped when he thought about that heart, struggling to contain her large breasts.
Then his thoughts went to Leanne, who seemed to be about to buy a similar one. She was on the short side, with smaller breasts than Susanna, but a rather large, round bottom. Just the way he liked them. Her leotard would have as much work covering that, he thought, as Susanna’s would her breasts. By God, they must look great in them together! Come to think of it, he needed to get fit. He was only in his early twenties, as they were, and he wasn’t getting nearly enough exercise. He could do a lot worse than join the gym, himself.
That evening, he paid his membership for the gym, and looked for the locker room. On his way, he didn’t see either of the girls in the gym itself, so he guessed they must be in the locker room too. He stripped down to his speedo and had a quick check. Yes, he looked good in them. You’d never know that the huge bulge he had was because of his balls, and that really he had a small cock.
They were a maze, those locker rooms! He lost his bearings in them, and couldn’t find the way out. (Come to that, he couldn’t find his shorts, either.) Never mind, there was no one around, so he could retrace his steps and start again.
“Hey, Leanne,” came a familiar voice, “look who’s stumbled into the girls’ locker room!”
“Hi, Ian. Oh, look at you! All balls and no cock!”
“Yeah, you ought to see someone about that Ian,” Susanna told him.
“Well what about you two?” Ian felt duty bound to defend himself, even though he thought they looked great in those blue leotards. “When you stand together like that, you look like Laurel & Hardy!”
“Come and give me a cuddle, and let’s not get personal,” ordered Leanne. “Yes, I know, we started it. But it’s nice to see a familiar face here, isn’t it Soos?”
“Oh, yes!”
Ian and Leanne kissed, Ian’s right hand straying onto her breasts, while Susanna moved behind him. Taking her cue from Leanne’s and Ian’s “forward” behaviour, she probed the front of his speedo. A sudden cool feeling told him she had removed it altogether.
“Look at him!” Leanne, commanded, “Those balls are magnificent! Do some posing for us, Ian.”
“Let me see what they look like from behind!” Leanne told him, and Ian obliged, bending for her.
“Well look at that!” she declared. “Hey Soos, doesn’t it make you want to …”
Ian yelped as she kicked him in the balls from behind. Then she locked her surprisingly strong arms around him, securing him, and hissed:
“Laurel and Hardy, indeed! You’ll regret that. Have a go, Soos, he’s all yours!”
“That’s another fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into!” laughed Susanna, opening her own account on his balls via her left boot. A second blistering kick rammed into the easy target of Ian’s swollen balls. Then Leanne got him from behind again, after which she forced him down to his knees, when it was Susanna’s turn. She pulled him back up, this time squeezing and twisting his tortured balls.
They alternated holds and kicks, until Susanna aimed a kick at his head. He warded it off surprisingly well, but it made no difference because Leanne got his balls with a kick from the side. Now it seemed to be Susanna’s turn to hold him from behind, for Leanne to aim at. Then, for variation, Leanne gripped his arms in her strong hands, leaving her friend to pound his balls with her left boot from behind. Then she got a sneaky one in from the side, while the trusty Leanne still secured him.
In an unspoken agreement, the girls switched, and Leanne now kicked his balls from behind, while Susanna fired a right hook into his jaw. Next, Leanne turned to a frontal assault, while Susanna smashed her left fist into his opposite jaw and sent him reeling. With almost military precision and synchronisation, they returned to another attack from behind, and another right hook, this time rocketing into his ear. Despite the agony in his balls, he was momentarily distracted by the ringing in his head resulting from her punch. The tall girl now punched him in the eye, while her friend kept up the barrage of kicks against his balls.
“Have another go, Soos!” Leanne called out, gripping Ian under the arm and around the neck from behind. Susanna didn’t need a second invitation, and her right boot soared into its target.
Ian collapsed to his knees, and Leanne altered her hold to a type of kneeling sleeper while Susanna placed a foot threateningly on his balls. Ian desperately tried to push it away, but her leg was stronger than his flailing arms. The relentless attacks on his balls had severely weakened his whole body.
The girls got him back to his feet, and Leanne headlocked him with her right arm while driving her left knee into his balls. Then she went behind him, held his chin with one hand, and clawed his face with the other, while Susanna resumed her onslaught from the front.
“Push him into my tits, Leanne, seeing he’s always staring at them in the office,” called Susanna.
“Yes, and my arse,” replied Leanne, obliging her by locking Ian’s arms behind his back and indeed pushing him forward into what would normally have been a very welcoming treat.
“Dirty bastard, always ogling us,” declared Leanne, now high kicking perfectly into his face, while Susanna acrobatically supported herself on her hands, and fired a further kick into his balls from behind.
In a rare move, Leanne locked and twisted Ian’s left arm while Susanna kicked him from behind, and scored a paralysing kick on the inside of his left thigh. Its effect was so successful that she repeated the move on his other leg, while Leanne brutally thrust her knee up under his chin.
Ian felt his legs go wobbly, as if he were uncontrollably drunk, while his teeth clanged together and his whole head jarred from Leanne’s knee strike. Susanna noticed him stagger, so she reverted to a kick on his left leg, while Leanne aimed her right boot at that hip. They would surely disable him if they continued with the onslaught on his legs.
Instead they chose to work him over more generally. Susanna struck him with a fine kick at full extent in the chest, while Leanne left hooked him, catching him in the opposite ear to her friend earlier. It restarted that piercing ringing sound in his head. But noticing him gasp after Susanna’s kick, Leanne decided to build on his new discomfort, and punched him in the chest while Susanna resumed her attack on the back of his right leg.
Had the girls done this before? Because Leanne seemed to guess Susanna’s next move, suddenly dropping down as the taller girl executed a superb horizontal kick at Ian’s head. If only they could be as effective and efficient at work!
Keen to get back into the action, Leanne faced Ian and hooked a kick behind his left leg, while Susanna got him in the chest again from the side. He managed to ward off her subsequent kick to the face, but it was to no avail, because Leanne got him in the stomach with a right-angled kick.
Building on the pain she had inflicted to his stomach, Leanne now gripped him around it from behind, inviting Susanna to take a free shot. She chose to punch the side of his ribcage, bruising, if not cracking several. Seeing Leanne maintain her hold of the victim, she got him in the mouth with a right cross.
“I have a feeling we won’t be seeing Ian at work tomorrow, Leanne,” she chortled as her fist struck home, making his lips feel as if he’d been stung by a wasp.
“We’ll have a nice day then!” the other girl joined in the gloating.
Again, the girls seemed to have done this before, because after Leanne let Ian fall following Susanna’s heavy punch, she schoolgirl pinned him higher than normal on his body. This enabled Susanna to kick him in the balls, comfortably clear of Leanne. It made perfect sense to have the shorter woman pin him while the taller one kicked him. But it’s doubtful whether the skill of his two colleagues, working in tandem, was noticed by him. All he noticed by this time was pain, hideous pain.
Leanne dragged Ian back up, once again locking him by his right arm. Susanna punched his face briefly, before settling into a side kick at his balls. Leanne relinquished her hold and joined her in a kick to the back of his left leg, once more bringing her left foot back from a frontal kick.
Susanna now moved behind him and kicked the vulnerable spot behind his right knee, while Leanne uppercut into his chest. This couldn’t go on, and Ian dropped helplessly, despairingly to the floor.
But still the girls wouldn’t let up. Leanne placed her foot down on his right side, and hauled that arm up, wrenching it into a lock, while Susanna menaced him with her right fist. But for once, that was all it was, because Leanne moved him onto his back and lay over him in a reverse head scissor. To ensure she had his face right where she wanted it, she folded her right leg behind his head, and held her foot in place. Susanna now stood with her right foot on his manhood, and began applying pressure.
“Can I have a go at his balls?” Leanne asked, watching him squirm under Susanna’s boot.”
“Please do,” encouraged her friend, opting to put her boot over Ian’s face while Leanne upped the pressure on Ian’s manhood.
Even that didn’t finish it, though, because Leanne returned to a schoolgirl pin, leaving Susanna to take a last kick at his balls, kicking with the side of her right foot, like a footballer.
Ian was on his knees, whimpering. Leanne couldn’t resist a further twist of his balls from behind, and the whimpering became a wail. She pulled him up by his balls, and led him out of the locker room by them, into a pleasant room with curtains, not at all like a gym. She let go of his balls, had a farewell kick at them from behind, and he crumpled down again onto the floor, lying in the foetal position. The girls “high fived”, and left their colleague beaten and degraded.
Perhaps Ian passed out with pain, because the first thing he became aware of was the ringing in his ears again. It seemed to transcend all the assaults on his balls and his body in general, after those two blows landed on either ear. He would have to see the doctor about that, if nothing else. It was getting worse, too. There was an urgency to it, that he found disconcerting, even after everything else he had been through. He reached out … and turned off the alarm clock.
He had overslept, and would be late for work. No time for a coffee, he stumbled into the shower – and whooped with relief to find his manhood was a normal size. It all came back to him now: he hadn’t joined the gym at all (and neither would he, after that dream).
It was lucky the department head was away, and wasn’t there to notice his lateness. The girls tutted and shook their heads with mock severity when he arrived, and he just grinned awkwardly. It was a bit embarrassing seeing them, actually. Laurel & Hardy! He had never thought that about them before! Still, he got on with his work, and felt better. By the time Leanne came round with the coffee, he was back to his old self again. Good old coffee!
“Coffee Soos?”
“Thank you, my dear. Hey, are you going to the gym tonight?”
Ian spat coffee all over his work.