Illustrated stories written by our customers: mixed wrestling, mixed boxing, CFNM, ballbusting, kickboxing, judo, karate, catfighting, armed mixed fights (swords, epees, axes, spears, daggers, handguns, e.t.c.). All models are 18 y.o. or older, no porno images here - legal adult content only.
Custom 3D drawings and troubleshooting - contact dominasp8@gmail.com
Mixed fighting freestyle, 100 pictures 1280*1024 32 bit colour, completely CFNM, bloody action.
Ed was really wrong when he dreamed about victory! It has been said that laughter is the best medicine. Perhaps from the clothed woman's viewpoint in a CFNM wrestling match that might be true. For the naked male it has to be the worst scenario of all. The only thing that can be worse for a man forced to fight nude against a leotard clad woman is that she starts laughing for a myriad of reasons: a. she thinks your penis is too small, b. she has landed the perfect kick to your swollen nads, c. she has you by the balls in a death grip, d. she knees or stomps on your eggs, etc. What could be more frustrating for a humiliated man who is losing a fight to a woman than for his feminine rival to be laughing at his hopeless predicament or dare I say it obvious shortcomings? This laughing gal as she methodically beats her opponent into submission v mentally as well as physically. Picture yourself as having agreed to a match where you enter the ring in your birthday suit and across the way stands a woman in a leotard. All of a sudden she starts laughing and pointing at you. You cannot figure what is wrong until she makes the one inch symbol with her thumb and forefinger. You may have had the pre-match jitters, but now you break into a cold sweat and start to actually believe what you long had convinced yourself was untrue that you are LESS OF A MAN. How could the woman be so cruel? Your face turns bright red, your stomach churns and you feel your maligned manhood start to shrink from the cold or total embarrassment -- whatever. You look down and it has shrunk to the size of a small button mushroom lost amid what seems like a massive pair of balls and your nut sack drooping in abject defeat. It may not seem possible, but you feel you are more naked now than when you stepped between the ropes. She continues to laugh at your pathetic, useless tool as the bell rings. You have lost the bout before it has even begun! I don't know about you guys, but I find it enjoyable to view images of a confident, clothed woman laughing uncontrollably - or even just giggling - at an inadequate naked man.