Illustrated stories written by our customers: mixed wrestling, mixed boxing, CFNM, ballbusting, kickboxing, judo, karate, catfighting, armed mixed fights (swords, epees, axes, spears, daggers, handguns, e.t.c.). All models are 18 y.o. or older, no porno images here - legal adult content only.
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Mixed wrestling, 320 pictures 1920x1080 (FullHD), three matches in one action!
Everyone could hear the shouting. It was hard to understand but it was loud. After it was over we all learned the outcome. One brother has challenged the other. Two brothers one in Russia the other in the USA , there wrestlers against each other. The Russian brother will send three of his best wrestlers to the USA to fight against his brothers three best wrestlers. The winner to get five hundred thousand dollars. They sat there waiting for the boss to show up. Brandon Windsor, the youngest of the three. At 19 yrs old he already had a full year of experience and a very large following. Net to him sat Michael Millions, 23 yrs old and at the top of his game. Everyone including the current champion expected Michele to challenge for the title very soon. Last but not least the world champion. David "Super Star" Cooper. The three male wrestlers listen to their promoter then assure him that they will win the bet for him. Two weeks later the six wrestlers are at the arena and getting ready for their matches. By now the entire wrestling world knows about the bet. Many of the fans have made their own bets on the outcome. The stakes for these matches has reached multi-million dollar totals. The excitement for these matches has reached a fever pitch. An hour before the matches start the Arena is already full to capacity. There are no empty seats. In their dressing rooms the six wrestlers are soon to get ready to wrestle. With only 30 minutes to go before the first match begins the men start to prepare for their fights. Up first will be Brandon Windsor. He is a very quickly rising young star in this promotion. At just 19 yrs old he is the youngest of the three men. Brandon, however has a very large female following. Searching in his bag Brandon pulls out his wrestling gear and lays it out. He begins to remove his street cloths. Shirt, pants, shoes and underwear all come off. It is quickly evident why he is so popular with the ladies, Brandon has a large manhood. First he slips into a shiny white thong style jockstrap. Brandon fills up his jock very well. Next she pulls on sheer white "stay-up" stockings. Very few of the men in this promotion wear pantyhose when they wrestle. His stockings come up almost to his manhood and have a very tight but very lacy top. That is the part that holds them up. He then laces up his shiny white boots and slips into a white ring jacket. As Brandon is finishing up getting into his wrestling the other two men begin to get ready. For tonight's matches all three will wear the same ring attire. White jocks, white stockings and boots. Across the hall three very beautiful ladies are also preparing to wrestle. All three are from Russia and all three are hugely talented wrestlers. They are in fact the best wrestlers in the Russian promotion. First up is the young up and coming new star Katerina Azariva. She is just 18 yrs old and has an undefeated record. Katerina pulls on her black stocking. They are the same type as the men will wear, stay -ups with lacy tops. She pulls up a shiny back thong and slips into a black bra. Next come her black boots and black ring jacket. Just as all three men will wrestle in the same outfit, all three women will do the same.
In the men's dressing room the two older wrestlers are giving Brandon a quick pep talk.
Michael Millions: OK Brandon this is it our night. You need to go out there and get a big win for us. Look, she's younger that you and is less experienced. You should be able to take her out easily. Go on kid go kick her ass!! In the women's dressing room Katerina is getting just about the same pep talk. She assures her companions the she will do everything in her power to win.
Both wrestlers enter the ring at the same time. Brandon is struck by how beautiful his opponent is as for Katerina she is overwhelmed by the sight of Brandon. Both teenagers are instantly in love. However both are pros and have a match to win. The ref/announcer begins her introductions:
"Wrestling fans this is a special Big bet match. It is the first of three matches for half a million dollars. In this corner at 18 years old coming for Russia KATERINA AZAROVA And her opponent He is a home grown boy From The United States of America At 19 years of age He is BRANDON WINDSOR"
With the intros and instructions out of the way both wrestlers await the bell. In his corner Brandon quickly pulls up his white stockings as he waits. Across the ring his opponent Katerina does the same thing. Both young wrestlers are ready to fight. BONG!! The bell sends them out of their corners and at each other. The two wrestlers circle each other slowly. Finding an opening Brandon moves quickly grabbing Katerina by her wrist and twisting her arm up behind her back in a Hammer-Lock. Katerina grunts in pain as her arm is bent. "OUUUUU!" Twisting and turning she looks for a way out of the hold. Using her free arm she grabs Brandon around his head and flips him over her shoulder. Brandon slams into the mat and immediately arches up his back as he grabs it in pain. Katerina Grabs one of his white boots, lifting it off the mat. Stepping over his leg she puts Brandon in a STEP-OVER TOE HOLD. Brandon's face quickly becomes a mask of pain. He twists, turns and wiggles trying to escape the hold. After several minutes he is able to get to the ropes and freedom. For 23 minutes the two teens battle back and forth. First one then the other is either caught in a painful hold or is applying to their opponent. At 26 minutes into the match the fans notice a subtle change in the tempo of the match. It seems as though a big shift in momentum has happened. 19 year old Brandon Windsor has slowed down noticeably. His breath comes in gasps and he is having great difficulty escaping Katarina's holds. Releasing Brandon from a Scissors Hold she had him in Katerina pulls him off the mat. She jams her arm between his legs and lifts him off the mat. Taking two quick steps she slams him down in a back breaking POWER SLAM. Brandon screams in pain as he crashes into the mat HOOO! MY BACK!! Twice more Katerina pulls Brandon off the mat and slams him down, each time Brandon cries out to her "NO -NO please don't. Don't slam me again!!" After the third slam Katerina drops to the mat and wraps her legs around Brandon's head. Crossing her ankles she begins to squeeze him tightly. Brandon screams in pain as his head is crushed by
Katerina's powerful legs. OOOOOH!! AAAAAAH! MY HEAD! Within a few seconds Brandon is calling out for the ref to stop then match:
"REF-REF, stop the match PLEASE stop the match!!
Hearing Brandon cry out the ref knees beside the teenaged wrestler:
"Is that it Brandon, are you done? Do you want to submit?
Brandon wastes no time in answering the ref:
"YES-YES, I want to submit!! Get her off me please. PLEASE-PLEASE make her stop I GIVE UP!! SHE'S GOT ME, I GIVE UP!"
What none of the male wrestlers know is that there is a side bet. However the ref knows and lets
the match continue:
GET HER OFF ME!! Please, get her off me I give up she's beaten me!!"
Looking down at her trapped male opponent Katerina tells him:
"American boy you are not so tuff. You want me to stop? Take off your jockstrap and hand it to me! Then I will let you go!"
Brandon is stunned by her demand, but he is also in tremendous pain.
"OK-OK, here's my jockstrap. Just please don't hurt me anymore. You've beaten me, I'm finished You win, I give up."
Brandon reaches down and pulls his jock off handing it to Katerina. As he returns to the dressing room the two other men are surprised by Brandon's appearance. hey ask what happened:
"Brandon, what happened to you? Where's your jockstrap? Brandon tells them about his match: I was doing OK, but she was so strong. She out muscled me. She took all my energy. She got a head lock on me I had no choice, I had to submit.
One of the men asks:
"Your jock Brandon, what happened to your jockstrap?"
Brandon tells them:
"There's a side bet. Be careful, they're going to try to strip all of us."
Before they can get any more information there is a knock on the door. Next man up. With that Michel Millions must head to the ring. Michel will be wrestling 24 year old Lidiya Vasina. One look at her and he knows he's in trouble. Lidiya is taller and much better built than Michel. By that she is very well muscled and looks awesomely strong.
Wrestling fans this is the Second of three matches. Representing the United States of America Michel Millions And his opponent From Russia Lidiya Vasina.
After tighten up his stockings Michel waits for the bell. BONG! there's the bell and Michel and Lidiya move out of there corners. Michel uses his speed to quickly get behind Lidiya. Slipping his arms under hers he puts her in a FULL-NELSON. With her arms in the air and his hands behind her head Michel applies all the pressure he can. Lidiya does not struggle, in fact she does not even move. Michel's face turns red with his effort to put pressure on his opponent. It does not seem to be working. Flexing her arms Lidiya slowly lowers them breaking Michel's hold. Lower them even farther she traps his arms under hers. Michel jerks and pulls trying to get his arms free. It's no use Lidiya has the locked down tight. Finally releasing his arms Lidiya spins in behind Michel and puts him in a Full-Nelson of her own. In just seconds she has Michel screaming in pain. "My arms, my neck. You're going to break my neck. OH god, my neck my neck!!"
After several minutes Lidiya releases Michel and he drops the the mat on his knees. His hand go instantly to his neck trying to rub the pain away. Being down on his knees he is easy prey for Lidiya. Moving in behind him she wraps her arm around his head and bends it back as far as she
can. With only a minute and twenty seconds gone in the match Lidiya has Michel locked into a DRAGON NECK BREAKER. Michel struggles for only a few seconds before he is finished: "I'm finished, please stop I'm finished!!"
Once again the surprised ref can't believe what's happening. "What's going on Michel? Are you finished, has she defeated you? Are you giving up?"
Now with tears running down his cheeks Michel surrenders to Lidiya: "YES-YES, I'm finished!! She's defeated me. I'm giving up. Let me go!! Oh dear god let me go!! I submit, she's defeated me."
Now as in the first match the ref steps back. Lidiya then tells him "OK, loser it's time to end you. Take off your jock and hand it to me!!"
Beaten and humiliated Michel slides his jockstrap down his legs and over his boots handing it to Lidiya.
"Here it is, take it. Please take my jock, just let me go PLEASE let me go, I give up!!"
With Michel's jockstrap In her hand the bell rings and the match ends. Lidiya releases Michel's neck and falls to the mat face up. His hands reach for his neck rubbing it trying to ease the pain. The ref/announcer begins:
"wrestling fans In the amazing time of Just one minute and 31 seconds. The winner of the match Lidiya Vasina The match score now is Russia 2 the United states 0 Making his way back to the dressing room Michel is in tears. As he enters the world champion David Cooper takes one look:
"NO MICHEL, not you too!"
Nodding his head a tearful Michel says:
"Yes, champ they got me too. She got a dragon me and I had to submit. She wouldn't let me go Till I took of my jock And gave it to her These girls are killers."
Next it is time for the World Champion to wrestle. As he makes his way to the ring he vows to win his match "She's not going to beat me. She's not going to take my jockstrap. I'm the world champion. This is the last match in the bet. The world champion vs. the Russian champion. The crowd is
hushed as both wrestlers enter the ring. The ref/announcer begins. "This is the final match of the contest. In this corner from Russia She is the Russian national champion. Naida Zharkova And Representing the United States He is the World Wrestling Champion DAVID "SUPER STAR" COOPER!!"
The crown cheers wildly as David is introduced. David looks very sure of himself as he stands in his corner. A complete package, handsome, powerful and very skilled. His jockstrap molds his manhood into a perfect bulge. His white stockings hug his legs reveling every muscle. He is every woman in the crowds dream man. In the minute or so before the bell David plays to the fans. He puts one of his white boots on the middle rope and slowly smoothes out his stockings. Starting at his boot tops he slides his hands slowly up his legs, then pulls on the lacy tops. As he does this the crowd screams it's pleasure. He them repeats this with his other leg. It drives the women wild. DONG,BONG!! and the match starts. David moves out of his corner very slowly and carefully he does not want to get caught by Naida this early in the match. Naida has no such worry and moves quickly toward her opponent. Extending her arms up and out Naida offers the champion a Test of Strength the super star gladly accepts her challenge. Carefully they inter-lock their fingers and begin. In the first few seconds it appears as though David is gaining the upper hand. But that only last for those few seconds. Slowly Naida reverses his leverage and begins to bend the champions hands back. Inch by inch she bends his hands, his face begins to contort in pain. He looks at his hands as if they were someone else's Slowly David's knees begin to buckle and he sinks to the mat. Down on his knees Naida increases the pressure on the Super Star's hands and fingers. She soon has him howling in pain. 'OOOOH!! My hands, your breaking my hands." Then just as swiftly she reverses the hold now bending his hands under. David must now fight to get back on his feet. Struggling he begins to stand. Now up and standing tall as he can the champion rises up on his toes trying to lessen
the pain and pressure on his fingers and hands. "OH, jezz my fingers. They're going to break. Please don't break my fingers". It's clear that all three of the Russian girls are extremely strong. They seem to be able to overpower the men easily. Not one of the male wrestlers has been able to match the girls power. Releasing David's hands Naida grabs his wrist, quickly she twists his arm into a Wringer. Pulling him from the corner she whips him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. The world champion crashes into the corner with enormous force. He is instantly shot back out toward Naida. As he gets close to her, she raises her arm and Clothes Lines him. David is sent crashing to the mat on his back. Before he can react Naida pulls him to his feet. Reaching between his legs Naida lifts the champion off his feet and slams him down. The "Super Star" screams as he impacts the mat "AAAAAA! My back! " He arches up and grabs at his spine. A few seconds later Naida again pulls David to his feet. This time she jams her arm tightly between his legs. She grabs the back of his Jockstrap and lifts him chest high. David kicks his legs wildly trying to escape, he cries out for mercy Not again, please not again. Don't slam me again!! His plea falls on deaf ears. As she carries the champion around the ring he tries to get free. It's no use, Naida holds him tight. She returns to the center of the ring, hoists David just a little higher than as she drops to one knee She slams him across her out stretched thigh. The impact causes David to scream AAAAA, my back-my back. You're going to break my back!! Tears quickly form in David's eyes and begin to roll down his cheeks. For the second match in a row the male wrestler has mounted no offence at all. Both Michel Millions and David "Super Star" Cooper the world wrestling champion have been totally overwhelmed by their female opponents. Both men have struggled from the opening bell. It is difficult to see the beloved world champion so completely out classed and battered. For his thousands of fans there is little hope that he can still pull out a victory. His days as champion seem to have come to an end.
With the champion draped across her thighs, Naida places her forearm across David's thighs just above the tops of his white stockings. Her other hand locks around the Super Star's chin and she begins to push down on both. David screams as his back is bent. Harder and harder Naida pushes down. Inch by inch the champions back bends farther and farther. David's legs begin to twitch. His arms fly wildly about as he claws at Naida's hands. Looking down on the helpless champion Naida tells him:
"Come on American wrestler You must submit to me. Don't make me hurt you anymore." Trying to look determined David tells Naida: "NO-NO, I'm the world champion You can't make me submit!"
Angry at her American opponents refusal to submit Naida pushes David off her thigh and on the mat. He immediately arches up grabbing his lower back. His reprieve lasts only a few seconds. Reaching down Naida grabs David by his hair and pulls him to his feet. For the third time she thrusts Her arm between his legs making sure this time that he feels some pain. SWISH, the champion is off his feet and in the air. He instantly screams in fear "NO-NO, please no more slams!! I'm hurt, please don't slam me." Naida just laughs, she's trying to win the match. Here it comes David feels himself heading down again. He knows what is waiting for him at the end of this trip. All he can do is scream in fear "NOOOO, NOOOO! Slam, his back crashes into Naida's thigh. She quickly grabs his chin and leans on his thighs. Her arm pushes down on him just above his stocking covered thighs. The Super Star is in big trouble. He is caught in a OVER THE THIGH BACK-BREAKER. Naida has him locked-in and he cannot escape. As she pushes on both his neck and his thighs David's back slowly increases it's bend. His bulging manhood stands out the more he is bent. His face tells everyone that he is in unendurable pain. Tears now stream down his face as he struggles in the hold. Using all her strength Naida has broken the champions will to win. She knows she has him and he cannot last much longer. She tells him:
"You must give up now. I've got you, you can't get free. I am going to make you submit. I will be champion soon!"
David Super Star Cooper the world wrestling champion knows that he is finished. With tears running down his face he admits defeat and surrenders to his Russian female opponent:
"OK-OK, you've got me. I can't go on, I'm finished!! I'm in too much pain I submit to you. You've defeated me, you're the champion now!! Let me go, please let me go!!"
As with both other matches, even after they've been submitted the male wrestlers are still held tightly in the submission holds.
"Come on let me go I've submitted to you. Why are you doing this? I've admitted defeat. You're the champion now!"
Nadia looks into the tear stained face of the now former champion David "SUPER STAR" Cooper:
"There is one more thing I need from you. You must take off your jockstrap And hand it to me." David now begs for mercy "NO-NO, please don't do this to me. I'm the former champion Please don't make me Take off my jock!"
Nadia pushes down harder on David's thighs and neck causing his to cry out in pain:
"OK-OK, take my jock Just please don't hurt me Any more."
Working as fast as he can David pull his jockstrap down his thighs and over his boots handing it to Nadia.
"Here's my jockstrap Let me go OH PLEASE LET ME GO!!"
The bell rings ending the former champion's agony. As he slowly makes his way back to the dressing room the two other male wrestlers are waiting for him. All three men are standing there in just their white stockings and boots. They quiz him about his match:
"Not you too champ? They got you too?"
David hangs his head in shame: "It's not champ any more. She beat me. I lost the match. She got me in a Back-Breaker And I couldn't get out She submitted me."
He goes on to tell of his humiliation
"Then she took my jockstrap. She made me take it off And hand it to her. Right there in the middle of the ring She stripped me of my jock and took it from me."
The three beaten men take off their boots and stockings and head to the shower.